well, nampaknya adik dah ada her own circle of friends now. and since the school break, rasanya dah a few times dia keluar dengan kawan kawan ke klcc, samada ke movie atau nandos(and thanks to her friend's parent yang sudi supervise budak budak tu). walaupun we're a bit relex now, we do keep a constant watch on her, what more, she's only 14. we're less worried for the brother. been a boy, i think he's more than able to care for himself. though he confess that some of his 16 year old friends do smoke, he swear that he has never tried. well, i suppose you just have to trust your heart and believe him. (in retrospect, i've done far worst things at that age!). and abang sekarang dah tak buat port kat klcc lagi, dah pandai venture ke pavillion. katanya ada short cut ke pavillion dari klcc, just a short walking distant.
the new geena
abang new cannon 450D
last week abang said he wanted a his own dsr camera. says he doesn't want to share my nikon D80. well, nak turn down his request at blank point pun rasa bersalah juga, .... what more bila dia ungkit 'kak nana mintak duit nak pergi holiday italy, abah okay jer'. on second thought, i suppose we have to be fair to the kiddos!. well, if only he had requested for a motorcycle, then the answer will be a definite NO. and of course adik pun ada dia punya request ...... kalau abah beli abang kamera, adik nak buat hair treatment and rebonding sekali lagi. well, that sounds reasonable as it only cost us rm 280 at derreck & team.

geena & classmates

abang and geng
sebenarnya awal cuti sekolah dulu memang bercadang nak bawak the kiddos for a short excursion to padang & bukit tinggi in sumatra but the 2 kiddo unanimously vetod the idea. 'buat apa pegi indon lagi. bukan best pun .....' and that sounds very familiar. as a compromise, we'll be spending 3 days in pangkor next week. and sorry kiddos, this year's abah & mama's vacation is still on.