...." hey where have you been ??????. why do we lost touch ???? ". well at a glance i didn't realized that it was her. it's been more than 30 years since i last saw her and the rest of them. of course i still remember her and our little secrets ... how could I ???.
The Reunion brought fond memories of the yesteryears. meeting most of them for the first time after more than 30 years was just too touching & emotional. there was so much things to talk (had to adjourned the session to primula over dinner !). quote from one of our former teacher - "seems to me that all the naughty students of mine is doing well in life!". i might have forgotten some of the faces, but their names sound familiar. well, growing up together in a small town was such a fun. regardless of the ethnicity, we were just like a big happy family - i would say we practice 1 Malaysia years ago.
To all friends,.... thank you for such a wonderful and memorable evening. please do get in touch. and ,.... oppsss, she still owe me a coffee !!!!