March 18 - adik request for a new 3G mobile. she just lost her new rm 1250.00 nokia(hardly 3 month's old). can't complaint very much - a fairy careless and destructive character at times. request granted - kalau tidak tak tahulah muncung panjang mana !
March 23 - a week prior to the date abang has be posing and playing with my nikon SLR. hinted that he'll be joining the photography club in school. one night he asked whether he could have a D60 or D40x nikon SLR for his special day. well, we reach a compromise, since i hardly use my D80, he's free to use it any time he wish. well, he seems happy but deep inside i could sense that he felt he should also get something solely for himself.
so then this was abang's 16th birthday present.
April 2 - it was nana big day. since the owner is in a far away land, then the pleasure was on us to decide what she deserve for her birthday. adik and abang came out with a brilliant idea. .... we decided that being the eldest, she should get the biggest present, a 40 inch sony plasma tv. well sorry nana for the time being, the rest of us will enjoy your birthday present. be free to ask for it when you're back for your summer holidays. such an excellent idea from adik and abang.
You are right.. not easy when they have grown up. The gift become more and more expensive when we were young fresh from uni couldn't afford it. Well blame it on the parents. I too blaming myself for pampering them so much. Afterall our hardwork is for them too right..
Happy birthday adik, abang and nana.
oh yea rite!
lepas ni tv tu angkat masuk bilik nana okey!
Boss...July nanti plasma sebijik ekkk...pleeezzzzz
elehhhhhhhhhhh takkan habis seguninya duit bhai beli present untuk anak2 tu hehehehe....camry satu september nanti boleh? (dalam versi lukisan pun bolehlah!) hahahaha
you're obsolutely right. jangan mereka mintak mini cooper dah
we can't wait for you to come back, to deliver your tv satu! make it baby blue!
nak pg internship in IJN ni..!hehehe
ohhh... demand nii..
hmmmm.. nak mintak apa ek? Belanja di Bellamey jerlah kottt....hihihii..
kak jem,
plasma in july... set. plasma in mongolian lingo mean nasi beringin.
camry tu apa ? orang bangla sebut curry to camry
ish ish ish ikan bakar lagi !
ayo..ini macam hali-hali birthday pun tak apa
kak posh,
kalau hari hari lagilah cepat licin kepala ni.
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