arrived home past noon. barely 6 hours latter she was with her friends at the rows of middle eastern reataurants in jalan damai. the following morning dashed off to nasik lemak antarabangsa kg baru. followed by lunch at kl tower with her fellow african friend and old school mate.
lunch in the air
then of course the regular nightly kampung baru tomyam (one of the best in town i must say)and the nightly visits to old town kopitiam & mamak in jalan yap kwan seng. and not forgeting her asam laksa at little penang cafe in klcc. a wee bit lucky though, she just visited klcc's dome only once since her arrival. and her yearly bbq with friends at home.
the gathering .......
and despite been occupied with her daily practical training at ijn, sempat jugak lunch hopping ke cosy corner at ampang park and legend's di atas braserrie. and not missing the regular week end hi tea's with her bro & sis.
.... says this is her favourite.
guess who's the biggest eater.
and her list of makan goes on and on. i really find it difficult to keep up with her appetite pace - i'm only hopping that i'm not growing side ways !
Biggg eater with a BIG heart - tak pe la tu!! Anyway, as long as she maintains her physique, then she can go on eating all her might!!
You're blessed with an angel there!
Roti canai, tosai garing & teh tarik dah ke belum?
besor mmolok... hehehe...
Alhamdulillah dpt menikmati nikmat Allah. I have one like yours.
citarasa tak sama bro..kalau aku..aku akan makan
1.Ikan bakar belakang Istana
2.Ikan cencaru goreng sumbat sambal di Jln Tandang PJ.
3.Roti stim kat pasar kg batu, Jln ipoh
4.Nasi lemak tanglin
5.Nasi lemak lido kat pekan klang
6.Nasi lemak sotong di restoran roda di Batu Belah Klang
7.Mee rebus Mastan Ghani, Tk Intan
she an angel?...ha ha ha. btw how's holiday so far? kalau ada masa bolehlah join us for tea before balik uk
rasanya tosai lum lagi ....
mad redo1,
hol sungguh. orang kecik, mmolok besor
thanks for dropping by
ok la tu..kasi can kat dia..sushi my favourite
Hahaha... macam rupa kemaruk plak kan? hehehe.. cian..
Aku cuma makan banyak kalu mak aku masakkkk...
Sendiri masak...? rasa kuah cukup aaarr... kahkahkah!
Those days when we also can eat so much like her but will not grow sideways. Don't know where all the calories gone.. but now I know where.. actually 'they' waited for us to reach certain age and emerged to grow as fat everywhere in our body. No wonder I always say..."makan sikit aje tapi badan naik"
Baca this entry.. I yg lapar
How come she never get gemuks one ? Eat so much but still slim slim only.
adoi.. at her age glutton macam mana pun tak akan go sideways punyer..we were once like that..kalau skrg ni glutton cam tu memang cari pasallah namanya..
*trying very hard now to reduce sideways hehehe*
ilap, azieazah, sya, adiejin, ummi,
thanks for your comments. teringat pulak a patient who latter become a close friend. this super rich tan sri is so afraid of gaining weight sampai dia restrict minuman dia just to plain water. duit banyak pun kalau tak enjoy food pun tak ada gunanya.
Bhai dia 1tawun 1 kali baru balik itu sebab dia da bedal..bedal...bedal...aku kalo 2-3 minggu kat negeri omputih lepas chk in dapat boarding pass tu aku dah mula bayangkan apa nak bedal bila sampai KL..hehe last week i was in Bali it wasn't that great la tempat dia cantik lagi langkawi yang haprak nya ingat nak support wotel malesia aku propose la kat Boss aku Holiday Villa...huhhh sungguh memalukan bilik air smelly pastu dinding toilet full of fungus yang ada bilik lak bila bukaka pintu almari terus jatuh pintu tu bila komplen duty manager dia boleh bertegang urat lak ngan kita...NEVER HOLIDAY VILLA AGAIN
p/s: J co donut sedang bergolek2 dlm perut!
off to oldtown in a minute!
cheers mate!:)
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