So there we were,on the morning of November 25, the seven of us (2 medical specialists, 3 young nurses, puan SN & husband) were in cambodia. From the airport we rented a van and travelled north to kompong thom some 200 km away from phomn phen. On arrival, we were greeted by the local imam who also offer us his house for us to sleep.It's a far cry from what we're used to ....but then we're here not on holiday.
I couldn't help feeling so sorry for them. many children were just malnourished and running around without a shirt and slipper.(a typical scenario in our own kampongs way back in the 60's or early 70's) One could see the grateful glisters in their eyes whenever puan SN handed them a small token of candy she bought from mydin.Sometimes it's just unimaginable ... the sarongs they wore were so worn out that one would not even think of using it to wash his car!
The imam was kind enough to allow us to use the masjid annexe as our clinic base. The patients were endless and the crowd kept growing.Despite working on a very basic and limited resources, we could feel how grateful they were. We felt so sorry for those who had to walk several kilometers away only to be told that we're running out of medications !!! (oppss, thank you to some of our GP friends who were kind enough to donate some of the medications)
Lining up were young boys eagerly waiting to be circumcised.It was tiring but thanks God, using the clamp technique, between us we managed to circumcised 105 children in 2 days. I could sense the tears of happiness in their parents knowing that their children underwent a relatively short and painless procedure. Even on the morning of our departure, there were parents who were begging us to circumcise their children.
Insyaallah we'll be in cambodia again in a near future (hopefully in kompong cinnang).Hope to bring more circumcision clamps (costing rm 35.00 each, ... sponsors are most welcome). Self sponsored volunteers are also welcome to joint us !
i can bring back surgical mask for you, bhai!
Excellent doc! Err.. the mission was to circumcise the whole village ke? hehehe... it must have been the 'season'.
but seriously, perhaps you should leave details for donations to be given: either in the form of $ for medication/clamps, clothes/sarongs or just $ for food? would love to help a little - but lots of little makes a whole lot, right? ;)
Salam BRO..
lama tak update, now come up dengan story best.
Tahniah, suatu pengalaman yang best, khidmat sosial yang menarik dan mulia.
Dulu Dr DINON (UIA) selalu gak cerita tentang pengalaman mereka melakukan khidmat berkhatan pada rakyat miskin di Kemboja. Saya teruja dan teringin jika ada peluang menyertai..
Mesti seronok kan tengok kehidupan negara orang, dan kemiskinan mereka menginsafkan kita...
Kalu ada peluang, nak gak ler jadi sukarelawan..
tahniah atas khidmat bakti...
Tahniah ... atas kerja amal yang dilakukan. Pasti kepuasan atas kerja amal yang dilakukan itu lebih berharga dari segala-galanya
Bukan kah membuat orang lain bahagia akan membuatkan kita lebih bahagia. Harap lebih ramai sukarelawan profesional yang sudi membantu.
Hi Doc! Appreciate if you could email me the details of this wonderful work - the team, the beneficiaries.. etc etc to me so that I can ask my colleagues in CSR to consider for sponsorship?? ;)
tahniah atas usaha murni BHAI
we don't need surgical mask but we need you to help with the clinic
thank in advance. there are also students who requires assistance to finance their study in the varsity. on an average the fees is about USD 400 per year.
Kalau berminat nak pergi, insyaalah we can arrange it
terima kasih
My Life My world,
Thank you. Thank You
Audra Sazreena,
Insyaalah. The villagers are also in dire need of water pumps. We only manage to contribute 5 pumps the other day @ rm 750 each. A generator for the surau / masjid would also do wonder !
Dear Doc,
Here's my email in which I forgot to add in my earlier comment (my bad!!!)
Please include all the details of this work, so that I can forward it to the CSR department. I really would like to help.
and errr...
anak doktor atukhil 106922
guten Tag all n Hoffenlich bist du bei bester Gesundheit n chea nem hau ma tahniahhhh.
daripada saya.
Ooooo...ada keluar kat TV1 baru2 ni...:)
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