(my new DSRL Nikon D 80)
1. First Surprise
yesterday as i was about to leave office, this lady whom i could vividly recognized knocked on my door. instantly she introduced herself " you may not recall, but it's been a while since i last met you. i'm mr. WN's wife". i'm sorry WN couldn't come in person as he's in kota kinabalu. she handed me an envelope and said ' ini yang WN pinjam dulu, kami bagi RM 3 K dulu, nanti lepas raya 2 K lagi. well, i was really lost for words ! the least i expect.
WN was 4 years my junior in school and i met him on a few occasions during our alumni gathering. i remember in 2002, he called me saying that he wanted to see me for some personal reasons. i felt sorry for him as he just lost his job as an auditor at a local bank. the story goes on and on, until he came to the point. 'I'm financially broke now and i really need to borrow 5 K from you'. realizing how desperate he was, and without giving a second thought, i issued him a cheque for the amount. times passed by ... and since then i never met him again at our regular alumni meetings. after all the years, i thought to myself ... redar sajalah, but of course, i don't have any hard feeling ... my humble principle, kalau Tuhan dah tentukan rezeki itu bukan kita punya, then kita kena acceptlah.
At least i'm proud now, one of my junior is now a GM for a chain of a well known pizza outlets in the country. I hope he'll be successful in his undertakings .... but having said that, I looking forward for the other 2 K ( he he he ....)
2. Second surprise!
MF finally called me on my mobile some 2 months ago asking for my account number. says he was very sorry and promise to bank in rm 300.00 every month. Again i never though he would repay me !. and thanks god, i've already received 2 payments so far. MF came to my office sometimes in july 2005 when i was about to leave for lunch. i was initially quite puzzled as that was the first time he came to my office, he could alway see me at home. by the way, MF was a rank and file in the arm forces and also my part time driver. his wife was a full time staff in my wife's office. before i could asked what triggers him to my office, he suddenly burst into tears !. in between his sob ...please, please, please help me, my father is very ill back home in sungai petani. my other siblings have managed to raise rm 2.5 K. we needed another 7.5 K urgently for his surgery. i really felt so sorry for him and without further due issued him a cash cheque for 7.5 K. 'you take off for 1 week and please visit and care for your father'. in your absence, i'll fetch the kids from school.
3 months passed, not a single cent i recieved from him. after a year, still no news about the payment. his usual excuses, ... maaf, sebab saya masih tak dapat keluar lagi duit epf saya. six months latter, while we were having lunch, my wife mentioned that MN will retire from the arm forces soon and thus we need to plan early to get another driver to replace him. that will leave me with no choice but to tell my wife about it. ' what !. are you serious !. you actually give him 7.5 K just like that?. you know i could get a nice bracelet from habib jewels for that amount!. how could you be so stupid .... and of course the bebel goes on for the next 30 minutes. the sinister thing is that even his wife doesn't know that her husband borrowed the money. of course she felt so bad as her husband has cheated on her, more so she felt so ashamed to my wife. to cut things short, his father was never hospitalized, what more under went surgery. well, he needed the money very badly to repay the along. apparently he had borrowed some money from the along to help refinanced his brother's car and couldn't coped up with the escalating interest. i felt really sorry for him, wonder how much suffering and harressment he got from the along . Anyway i'm glad that i'm finally starting to receive back my money. hopefully the payments continues .....
well, well, ... what do i do with the duit terpijak yesterday. i only topped up another 1.5 K and got me a new camera ( DSRL Nikon D 80). sssshhhh, hopefully she didn't read this posting too soon, ... otherwise i'll be hearing something very familiar ... 'ish, ish dia ni pantang ada duit lebih sikit, membazirlah kerja dia' ...