i was in a dazed. is it a joke !. i remember her telling me the day before that she'll be on call duty today. furthermore her expected date of delivery was sometime next week.
( well, there she was ... mata bulat!)
the years gone by ... and with her good appetite she grew a wee bit chubby.
and of course at the age of three, she just love to pose . her favourite singer then was raja emma and sudirman.
and during the pre school years at merrylville good shepard. she used to be proud of the school as shiela majid also attended the same school.
way back in glasgow, scotland . i presumed she cherished her time at st. mungo primary. she is still in contact with her scottish childhood friends.
lucky for her as she had her mum full time with her. i was pretty buzy then having to do call duty once in three days at the southern general hospital.
prior to her pmr, we decided to take another break and head to the swiss highland.
first time travelling alone without the parents after her spm!
and there she was in her room in nizhny novgorod.
and this girl has now turn into a woman.
despite her idiosyncriasis and excluding her off points (short tempered, kuat makan, kuat tidur, malas study and spendthrift), she is obedient, determine, friendly and honest. well, we're still proud of you (provided you don't ask extras extras for your monthly allowance!)
oh!touched with the entry.oh well, people just got to BARE with my short-tempered!hahaha;)
eyh!!!going to glasgow in 2 months time!and defnitely will singgah st mungo primary!*excited*
Wa...Waa..She is so cute..Maa..(Be prepared in few years time, u'll be a Grandad or Atok or Dato' as well...Kih...kih..kih..Ileena..U go Girl!!, Good for you..bila lagi nak ketuk Daddy kan,..Kak Mimi gurau k..Jange mare..Bro..Zorro!
oh hye kak mimi..thanks so much for the 'good' advice!haha!at least i know ada jugak org back me up;)
I guess u are lucky girl. jangan lepas peluang :)
biasalah bro...abih belajo nanti hang bagi aje kereta volvo tu kat dia...bimmer hang tu kau tukar ke new M5
memang duit yg kita cari tu untuk anak-anak..tapi,ambik sikit utk kepuasan diri sendiri jugak...go go bimmer go...I'm waiting your new M5
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