CT scans of the brain indicated a large enhanced lesion in the left frontal region. the features were consistent of a meningioma (brain tumor)
the diagnosis came as a real surprise to her ! how could her doctors missed it. how could nobody believed her that there was something not right in her brain !. the only option - have the tumor removed. the thought of someone cracking open her skull and digging the tumor out of her head really frightened her. but for the sake of her beloved children and the love ones back home in padang, she was determine to go through the procedure.
(there she was, fully anesthetized on the operating table, waiting for the most scary moments of her life).
the craniotomy went fine and after 3 hours, all the tumor was gone. thought the tumor was fairly vascular and she lost quite a bit of blood, no transfusion was required.
and part of the tumor tissue that was removed from her brain.
and the end of the surgery with her head neatly bandaged
can't help feeling so sorry for her brother who was weeping by her bedside in the intensive care ward. was it the feeling of relieved as the surgery was over, or was it the feeling of guilt for not taking her sister's complaint seriously. I'm sure following her discharged in 5 day's time, she will be looking forward to take the earliest flight home. and for afrinowati, i hope your problems are over and may Allah give you his uttermost blessing.