come sunday morning, adik's usual remark ... 'abah, hari ni lunch mana ?'. the kiddos know it very well that since we're only free on a sunday, we always bring them out for lunch or dinner on our free day. needless to say we've to forget about dieting on a sunday !. but the biggest question as always is nak lunch or dinner kat mana ?? the usual options - nasi padang at natrabu or puti bongsu, tarbush, thai village, nasi kelantan in kg baru, legend, le meridian, penang village, grand seasons, marriot putrajaya, pelita nasi kandar (and the list goes on ...). the only problem is geena and farhi always has a contrasting taste. farhi would opted for nasi padang and his ice telle or the thai dishes. geena on the other hand would go for lasagna, speghetti or penang asam laksa. the parents, semua boleh !
so here we're today. at one of our usual pot ! the good thing about this place is ample parking space, only 10 minutes from home, not many customers (you can drop by without an appointment on a sunday but definitely not for lunch on a working day !)

having lunch or dinner at leisure with the kiddos at least once a week on a sunday is something we always look forward. usually this is the time we talk to them about school and their friends. and on their part, this is the time they put up their requests. and geena's request was a bit odd today ..'tasha tanya, boleh tak geena jadi flower girl for her sister's weeding kat bangsar next week ?'
and of course, to maintain the waistline we do have to diet !
boleh je nak lunch kat HALIA masa lunch hour..tapi pandai2 tuang pandai2 cover kemudian tapi rasa2nya 2008 i nak 'cuti' pot pet dululerr hehehe.. happy new year abgbeca
sekarang ni pertanyaan anak aku ialah..papa nak masak apa ye...daniel nak makan nasi kerja aku sekarang ni ialah memasak...(tapi yg sempoi aje...)
haha!so now adik's turn to become the flower girl.she'll get obcess with it, trust me!
encik..sudah try makan kat Naab ka ? itu makanan Iran. Cuba ah..
Saya tak mampu nak ke HALIA tu bang... Maklumla keja menoreh getah hasilnya tak menentu... Kalau hujan lagi la... getah pun jadi beku..
hmm... budaya makan luar is too common in Malaysia now. Well, i'm having your ileena over soon - any suggestions of what to cook?? what would she like? ;)
Sebut pasal makan je... aku mesti sedih giler punya.
Apa taknya, di tempat aku bekerja ni manalah ada restorant makanan yang sesedap macam ni...
Kalau adapun, memang gerenti di jamin KeTIDAK HALALan nya...
BC, dah siap masak tu annti... pos kat aku ye.
kalau nak belanja lunch tu caling caling yer. beringin sodap juga
next time bolehlah merasa nasik goleng kau dengan ikan bakar pulak
baru tahu ke adik tu perasan glamor. rambut dah dye .. nanti apa lagi yang dia nak !
we've been to naab kat ampang point on a few occasions. but for middle eastern cuisine, the kiddos prefer lebenese at Al-Magreb or Noufarah
restoren tu dekat dengan your workplace jer. eh, sekarang getah punya horga tinggi apa !
make sure she wash her own cup and plate !
baru tau ... bila dah teperap kat rangoon tu baru teringat dinbesut !
I think it's too late to comment on Halia but still nk comment gak la (actually just discovered ur blog from a fren's blog. What i like the most here in Halia is the Teh tarik, Ketam masak cili and the bread n butter pudding. The BBQ buffet is also good. Apa namatah buffet depa tuh. I tried once. Besa la..staff rate dpt 10% discount. Hehehehe.....Next time u should try the chinese restaurant on the other wing. Quite good.
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