I was flipping thro' the old album last night when adik asked .. who's that man ????
well, that was my professor, my mentor and someone whom i admired. the late Professor Sir Harry. Sir Harry would addressed everyone, from the tea lady to the most senior consultant surgeon as a 'professor'. Of course, i was shock when he greeted me ..'morning professor', on my very first day when i reported for duty as a medical office in his department. needless to say, though i had to work long hours, not a moment had i complained. i really enjoyed working under this great man. a man who had such a great sense of humour. remembering him triggers my gray matter to some of the jokes that we shared.
1. a man in his 50's was admitted to the ward with severe epigastric and lower chest pain. having clerked and examined him, i presented my findings to Sir Harry who was doing his evening teaching rounds with some postgraduate students. looking at me he asked .. professor, what was your differential diagnosis ? and what investigations would you do to support your diagnosis ? showing him the ECG (electrocardiography) tracing, i told him that the gentleman was suffering from acute myocardial infarction (heart attack) and that the medical officer at the accident and emergency department had wrongly diagnosed and admitted him to our surgical ward. the ECG tracing showed classical 'ST elevation' in all leads. picking up the ECG strip and glancing thro' for 2 minutes, he looked at me and his postgraduate students, he said .... very well professor, .... in the eyes of a surgeon, all ECG's look alike!. even a first year medical student would be able to diagnose a heart attack just by looking at the typical ECG pattern of elevated ST segments. the moral of the story is ,.. don't trust a surgeon when it comes to your heart.
2. there was this indian gentleman who was warded for melena (passing out of loose foul smelling stool mixed with stale blood). during the morning round, Sir Harry turned to me and said ..'professor, would you do a per rectal examination (sticking up one's finger into his anus to determine the progress and colour of the stool) on this gentleman now' . having done the procedure, the gentleman, visibly annoyed by now, looked up at us and has this to say 'apa pasal hari hari pun ada mahu jolok. awak semua ingat in buntut gomen punya ka ??
3. on hearing the code blue message, i rushed to the ward. there Sir Harry and a few other medical personals were ressusitating a patient who developed sudden heart attack following a surgery to remove his gall stones. following defibrillation, the heart rhythm was not in a synchronised state. turning to dr. gurcharan singh (a newly qualified doctor) he shouted ..."professor, get me the verapamil" ( verapamil was the drug use to resynchronise the heart beat). after 5 minutes Sir Harry shouted again ....where is the bloody damned verapamil ???. but dr. gurcharan was no where to be seen. he appeared after 30 minutes. looking very exhausted and gasping for breath, he handed it to Sir Harry. my god, what the hell you bringing this for, lamented Sir Harry. i'm asking for a verapamil and not a burial permit (an official notification form to document the cause of death before one can bury the dead). pity dr. gurcharan, he must have rushed down to the mortury to get the burial permit. well, to cut the story short, the patient indeed required the burial permit.
4. a middle age chinese lady saw Sir Harry in the surgical out patient clinic complaining of constipation (passing hard stool). as Sir Harry does not speak bahasa, he called me to translate. 'well, Ah Soh, saya kasi ini ubat (dulcolax suppository), masuk sana bawah, lepas tu najis mesti jadi lembut, kemudian baru senang pangsai', i explained to her. a week latter she came back to see Sir Harry who then instructed me to handle her case. the lady said ' saya sudah masuk itu ubat sana bawah, tapi apa pasal lagi tak senang pangsai ?'. i was a bit puzzled, usually the dulcolax suppository works very well. trying to solve her problem, i asked her again . 'Ah Soh, awak tunjuk saya macam mana awak masuk itu ubat !'. and this was what she has to say " hari itu awak cakap mahu masuk itu ubat sana bawah . jadi saya sudah buka itu ubat punya plastik, kemudian saya masuk sana bawahlah, dalam itu toilet bowl " i can't help laughing. no wonder it does not work. the suppository was supposed to be inserted into her anus and not into the toilet bowl.
To Professor Sir Harry,
Thank you for your guidance, trust and encouragement. Do rest in peace !
Kah kah kah...great jokes...
it reminds me so much of my early days when ppl like u guys do the round when I was on duty *in my heart..oh no here they come again to........my poor patients*...haha..
btw did u get to meet up with KT and AG?
(ketawa besar)...
Pandai abang kita buat joke
ruanya ye...
BS ke yang wat joke ni ?? cayalah.
hehehe...kan best kalau ada emot gelak guling2 tu
Lawak antarabangsa...
kak jem,
more jokes in store !
kak elle
those were the days.
belum lagi. KT and AG must be very busy. they sms me a few times. recently they went back to terengganu ago.
kat rangoon tu kau faham tak bila dia orang buat jokes ?
ni memang original jokes kak porsh. siap ada cop sirim lagi
okay, dah lepas makan nasi beringin baru boleh guling guling
eh, teringat pulak nasi lemak antarabangsa kg baru
Salam Bimmer.. i ketawa besar tu..
salam ummi. kena tutup mulut tau supaya lalat tak masuk .
kalau ada masa
buatlah Chat box
bolehlah kita
ber chatting
Kat Yangon (Ragoon) ni
depa buat lawak
tapi haram tak faham
sebab lawak dalam bahasa dia ...
kadang kadang tu depa tu ngata aku tu...
tapi buat bodo je laaa...
hehehe... great stories! certainly got my tears running, especially the one with burial permit...
it is always the case that a great teacher would always leave a great impression on his students.
Ha..ha..respect sama Bro.
lawak lawak
ingat joke pasal african yang disuruh pakai contraception untuk mengurangkan anak ish ish ish
cepatlah belajar bahasa myanmar tu.barulah bulleh appreciate jokes mereka
mad redo 1,
glad that you like the jokes. opps dah dinner ?
thanks sebab singgah . tangling tadi macam mana ?
there's a real nice joke about an african with cancer of the p***s. mengalahkan cerita former menteri kesihatan.
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