after some futile attempts to speak to the doctor in charge, i finally managed to speak to her at 5 in the morning. of course no doctor is please to be confronted at that wee hour. i didn't mean to be impolite, let alone under estimate her professional ability. when i asked her wheather she has started my dad on intravenous cephalosporin and metronidazole ... only to hear her saying ' no, your dad does not need any antibiotics, he just require pain killer and rest'. and by the way in a district hospital like this we don't have expensive intravenous antibiotics. such antibiotics requires approval from a specialist, and there is no specialist in dungun hospital. a little annoyed ... i asked her how would she treat a case of acute cholecystitis then?. her answer was plain simple ... your dad presented with acute abominal pain and I'm treating him with pain killers.
absolutely frustrated with her answer, i blankly told her ... 'look you may be a young and inexperience doctor (just short of asking where she was trained!). if you're unable or not competent enough to treat such patient, then for goodness sake refer him to a centre or a doctor who is capable enough to treat such illness. well, she was still adamant that she was giving my dad the right treatment. 8.00 sharp in the morning i rang up the surgeon on call at hospital kuala terengganu. having introduced myself and before i could finish relating my frustration with the doctor in the district hospital, he interrupted 'okay boss, I'll instruct her to transfer your dad right away under my care. btw, i don't know whether you still remember me. you were one of the clinical examiners in my post graduate exam'.
feeling rather 'uneasy', i asked ana to postponed some non urgent appointments and close my clinic after the morning session. throughout the 5 hours journey, i can't help thinking about dad, knowing that his pain threshold is extremely low. and for 3 straight nights, i was camping in primula beach hotel, the nearest hotel to the hospital. Thanks god, with proper treatment and supervision under the care of my former post graduate student, dad has shown remarkable improvement.
(view of the hospital from the hotel room)
while in KT, i also took the opportunity to met some old friends. I called ZA a week earlier telling him that i'll be in town and hope to met up over lunch or tea. well, it turn out to be a real surprise, as within such a short notice he manage to gather 10 of our closest old friends that i've not met since our lower secondary school years. we have so much to talk about .... the memories of the yesteryear were still fresh in my mind , the days when things were very easy, the days when having rm 2 in your pocket make you feel that you were very loaded. and the days when you were the envy of your friends when you rode a new chopper bicycle to school. of course i still remember the days when we were teasing and trying our best to impress the girls. and the untold secret admirers that was kept secret for 30 years. and i feel so touch that despite not seeing each other for 30 years, our friendship and sincerity remained unfazed. and to all, thank you for a wonderful and memorable evening.
(teringat pulak lagu mary hopkins - those were the days .....)
(the makciks, ...opps the cikgu cikgu)
(the grown up boys)
(for the record ... he he he i'm not in the picture))
Semoga your dad sembuh cepat. Bertuah dapat anak doktor kan!
So macam mana your dad, harap semakin sembuh...anyway...kadang-kadang kita tak tahu, masa akan datang...bayangkanlah..kalau u ni merupakan org yg tak disukai student-2 u dahulu..mungkin keadaan menjadi sebaliknya...
Gambar yg last tu yg masuk paper tu ye bro...
anyway..bila nak mengTANGLIN bro..
a 4th yr student like me pun tau teatment for acute cholecystitis!
in case u meet the lady doctor, tell her i said helll-0!
p/s: nasib baik masa jadi examiner tu, muka tu tak bekeng!kalau tak, surely dia buat taktau!hahaha.
thank you.
dia dah bertambah sembuh tapi masih dirawat di hospital. insyaalah tangling ???? eh bila free huh !
Semaga ayahanda Bro cepat sembuh.Tak silap sekolah ni lah sepupu ila mengajar sekarang
Boh..kiter beru kelik dari Ganu..dok kat Primula gok. Makang ikang bakar tepi pantai memalang.
you'll be surprise ! there are lot more young doctors like her. the point is .... make full use of the internship years and learn as much as possible
calling2 IX ya kalu nak mentanglin..BHAI, apasal puasa sebulan tak nampak slim pun!muahaha x 1000000!
Sempat lagi kan nak wish Selamat hari raya, maaf lerr kalau2 ada salah silap ya
terima kasih atas ingatan. sesungguhnya dia sudah beransur sembuh
lorr kalau tahu you ada situ, boleh suruh dia orang charge the bills to your room.
dah mula kerja ke ????
macam mana nak kurus, lepas puasa dah mula 3 hourly feeding
Semuga ur dad cepat sembuh.
For a doctor boleh lah dpt the best treatment bcos u know it but for us yg zero knowledge in medicine, whatever the doctor gives and said.. terima aje
salam Doc,
sungguh kebetulan terbaca ur blog. me, doter of ur late patient, Encik Yahaya (as if u still remember) anyway Doc, i wld like to thank u .. berbanyak2 terima kasih di atas rawatan yang diberikan ke atas arwah ayah saya .. dan semoga ayahanda Doc kembali sihat dan sejahtera .. wassalam ..
semoga your dad cepat sembuh.
Mak ai gambar hitam putih hahaha... err which one is you? nerdy type? cheeky type? or no care in this world type? hahahaha
before too late - selamat hari raya!
salam doc...salam kenal..moga cepat sembuh ayahandanya
patut le lama doh dok napok kat semejid... anyway, moga2 sihak semula ayahanda tu...
kekgi pung nok gi spital gok nih, bawok the two most important women in my life...
Alhamdulillah. dah keluar hospital
how could i forget my patients. thanks for visiting my blog
salam untuk semua warga glasgow. meriah nampaknya open house.
salam kenal. thanks. my dad dah pun out of the hospital
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