Returned from JB @ 6.30 pm on 2/10/08. With the cruise set at 110km/hr, reached KL @ 10.30 pm. Apart from those little kancils and protons with out of place big and noisy exhausts cruising way beyond the speed limit, the journey was otherwise smooth and pleasant. Surprisingly all the mamaks and old town coffee shops along jalan Ampang & Yap Kwan Seng were closed. Lucky for us, the faithful tomyam warongs in kg baru were open for business as usual.
... well, raya is all about getting closer to the love ones.
suddenly every body miss nana. hope she do enjoy her raya in the far away land. ..... and for amalina who'll be leaving tomorrow, have a safe journey & study hard.
i'm sure everyone misses me!
raya in nizhny is just like any another days, cuma makanan je byk sikit ( yg semua pun prone to a/sclerosis!)
hehe... nana jangan jeles! sure looked like fun there - with or without nana (hehehe..)
Eid mubarak
btw, rambut adik lawalah!
derrick & team ke?
im so going to make mine like that too soon!
Selamat Hari Lebaran Minnal Aidil Wal Faizin maaf zaher baten
Wah..wah..wah..happening nampak. Bertambah nampak muda tuan doktor.
Salam Aidilfitri to u and famili.
sob sob sob .... on second thought adik did not really miss you much.
salam d. raya in coventry must be great i suppose.
adik kata rambut dia is exclusively her trade mark. no tiru tiru no copy copy
salam eidul fitril to you & family. tahun ni beraya di dhakar hke ?
kak porsh,
rindu klkl lah. salam eidul fitri. beraya di miri ke negeri ?
salam aidilfitri
Balik second raya.. smooth journey.. bestnya. It took me 5 hrs from Alor Gajah to BBST.. which usually cuma 1 1/2 hrs aje.. giler sungguh
salam eidul fitri pada iliap dan keluarga. guane raya terengganu best ke dok ?
lorr, kesian. anyway, jemput ke rumah kalau kebetulan berada di kl. tapi this year tak ada official open house.
buleh la.numpang kasih mok2 sedara..yg pntg ketupat palas tak tinggal...tapi Ghanu dah banyak berubah dan Airport pun dah luas sbb di tambak laut sampai ke pantai Kg ila..esok2 nak pi sbrg takir pun dah dekat
Wahhh beraya sakan...
Selamat Hari Rayaaaa...!
Salam Bro,
Seronok jumpa sanak sedara, mesti ada Laksa Johor kan.
Kita pulak diTeluk Intan sebelah mertua. Parents sendiri di rumah ni je, so rasa sedih juga sebab malam raya dan pagi raya tak raya sama mereka.
Ahai, manja sungguh adik tu nampaknya.
mestilah raya sakan ... setahun sekali jer
selamat hari raya pada you & family
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