Sunday, October 28, 2007

Open House

i simply lost count of the numbers of invitation i got for the jamuan hari raya open house. sometimes just has to be selective and practical. attended a friend's open house yesterday in taman tun. spend about 20 minutes at his house and another 90 minutes on the road (tak tahulah kenapa jam sangat nowadays!). from taman tun, rushed to SS3, then to bangi (and another 2 hours on the road) sometimes terfikir pulak wheather is was worth going !.

things were much better today as the invitations were mainly from neighbours in the same vicinity. of course i looked forward to UKM's dato' VC open house - just four doors away. both she and her husband taught me in my undergraduate days (and her husband was also one of my examiner for my post grad exam). and i couldn't felt better when she greated me ...'welcome, my student and my neighbour'.



pc dah ok ni yerrr dah boleh pot pet plus posing2 gitu :D

ileena said...

makan makes you fat!perut buncit alrdy!hahahaha;)


nak tumpang gelak guling2 baca komen ileena...jangan marah no abgbeca hehe

there4u said...

Oops! tertinggal my Ayah's open house daa..just next door, if it was..on saturday though..Kak Norzie, biasaklah..salahkan open house, if gained few kilos..jange mare..patutlah tak nampak kat Kgmms..lately..

zorrokantoi said...

last saturday cuma pergi ke jalan dato' sulaiman. coming sunday baru ke arthinahapan. opps, arthinahappan berapa eh !

Kak Elle said...

thanx for visiting my daily happenings...wah raya belum habis ke? ni huh?...hehe