back from office on saturday afternoon, she stormed, ....abah, i'm not sleeping at home tonight. for reasons only known to her, adik was very sore with her brother. i just can't stand the sight of him, she declared. i hardy see her lost her temper. and confronting the guy, the cool young man said .... alah biasa jer. adik tu sensitive sangat !
so there we were - 5 minutes from home on the 23rd floor of the Le Meridian. Not a bad idea , at least i could refresh myself after an exhausting week. the last couple of days were fairly hectic. i was summoned to the the emergency department in the wee hours of the morning on a few occasions. on second thought, apart from burrying my head into the pillow, i had better things to do ...........
so i brought along this two books to accompany me. by now, i'm almost finish with growing up in trengganu (GUiT). rather slow and behind schedule i must admit, partly because of too much distractions. following that i hope i could concentrate on zahrah de tigris, a book written by one of my blogger's friend.
for some reasons, i really enjoy GUiT. like brother wan, i also spend much of my yesteryears in my hometown kuala trengganu. reading his accounts of the yesteryears, evoked my own childhood memories. as i still could recall the trengganuspeak, i find it rather emotional when brother wan recalled the long lost words and phrases of trengganuspeak. the last memorable words of trengganuspeak that i conversed was when i had dinner with mak ku, the king's auntie some 2 months ago. recalling words like air cor, bibir jjueh, buoh ggarek and ketek ttunga triggers smile on my face. and of course, kedai mok mek and kedai pok loh yunang are the 2 pots i frequented during my younger days. how could i forget pak loh yunang as one of his grand daughter is also a fellow consultant clinician at my work place.
back from the hotel, we dropped by at the dataran merdeka where pesta masakan warisan was held. unbeknown to me, there were foods from different regions in malaysia with all the weird names and funny look. the best part is one get to sample the various traditional foods for free. and i must confessed, some of the foods felt a wee bit indifferent and fail to rouse my taste buds. by the way, i'm amazed that the serawakians are so inventive - they even cooked gelatinous rice in a 'periok kera'
so whats with my condition here...the BIG FAT ASS that i've to endure almost everyday???
how i wish there's a le meridien or similar, in the town of nizhny novgorod!
i, ILEENA ABDUL MUIN is now staying with the fattest thief on earth!
thank you.
tabik datuk cucu tumpang lalu...kadang2 best jugak baca blog hang ni..walaupun naik pitam aku nak pahamnya..
she's very lucky ada abah yg prihatin & of course got $$$$$ :D:D...i admire kasut adik lerrr lawa..kesiannya auntie IX baca pot pet ileena..bersabar tu memang pahit..jangan next time guna bahasa urdu dalam ur blog dahlerr BRO:D
uish! i wish my dad is like you when i was growing up (still am) kakaka. His advise is;
Got an issue with your sister? Deal with it!
Adeh! Tapi sebab dia lah, now I can face anything in this world.
Bring it on!! hahahaha
ops lupa
thanks for supporting Zahrah de tigris hehe
wah..posing dik jangan tak posing.ada gaya jadi "the most beautiful girl". i pun pergi gak kat Pesta Masakan Warisan tu.tak jumpa pulak periuk kera kecik ni. Replika periuk kera adalah berhampiran Dataran Merdeka..boleh masak air lagiii..
complaint less and enjoy your life. and stay focus on your study.
kalau susah nak faham, nanti apply for a translator
nanti next time aku guna bahasa bangla pulak. mahu pengsan terus
still in the midst of reading your zahrah de tigris. interesting. sorry, ter slow sikit sebab banyak ganguan. bwt bila nak autograf buku tu ?
i'm sure you'll agree with me. pesta masakan warisan tu best kan ... very interesting dan unique
emotional reading GUiT?? WoW... such an impact! Yes, GUiT must be enjoyed slowly. It's like nibbling on your favourite pack of cookies.
buku tu lambat nak habis sebab kena berebut dengan the other half !
i tau kedai pok loh yunang depan pasar kedai mum slalo order buku dari kedai die..slalo dapat magazines free..hehehe
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