gazing on the piece of paper he looked perplexed and in sheer disbelieved. 'mamaaa, this can't possibly be my results' he lamented. his eyes were red with tears glistering over the sclera. i could sensed his uttermost despondence over his pmr results. both of us could not help feeling so sorry for our dear son. in between his sob, we faintly heard him murmuring... 'i was hopping for straight 'A's like most of my classmates'. but then exam is always an exam, you might have think that you've done well only to realized that the results were otherwise. well, i realised years ago that there are 'unsangkarable' elements in exam.
it took us 2 days to convinced him that that's not the end of the world. this is only the begining and you still have a long path to persue. academic excellence alone does not guarantee one success in life. frankly speaking, i never achieved excellent results for my LCE (pmr), nor for my MCE (spm). i cannot recall any of my classmates or close friends who are successful and earning in excess of 500K a year were straight 'A's students. in fact, a classmate who is currently an advisor to the prime minister on economic matters was a second grader. during our recent alumni pot pet pot pet, a former classmate, MZ (one of the other second grader then) was asking MH (our top MCE student with an aggregate of 6) how much was he earning now as a director in JKR. 'is that all'... exclaimed MZ. that's only 2 days of my income, says MZ. judging by his brand new 7 series and a newly acquired 5.5 million bungalow in tropicana, MZ must be on a 6 figure salary.
though AF have regained some of his self esteem, the sombre look is still evident on his face. i suppose he must had felt very sorry for letting us down. but then, in a family, we have different skillsets and flair. when it come to sincerity, honesty and love you're tops above the rest. having said that, of course we also have full trust in our 2 daughters.
Betul tu Bro, wa sokong sama bro..tak semestinya berjaya dalam pelajaran ia akan berjaya dalam hidup..tetapi biasalah bebudak, mereka fikir ia merupakan penamat segala-galanya...
kalau ikut aku pun tak seberapa berjaya dalam pelajaran berbanding adik-beradik aku dan rakan-rakan aku, tetapi kehidupan aku..kira oklah (dlm proses menjadi senang..kah!kah!kah!)
All of us has to deal with frustrations and set backs.. then we get up and walk again, crawl first if we need to.. Tell him that.
betul kata abah tu..don't worry perjalanan masih jauh..yg lebih penting jadi manusia yg cemerlang bukan setakat dalam akademik...
Tak pernah mengaku kalah dengan cabaran..InsyaAllah.. Amiiinnn..
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