i recieved this plastic a few days ago. terkejut & terperanjat. the bank must be joking when it says 'we are please to advise that your application for pl***num card has been approved. ish ish ish bila masa lah pulak aku apply ni ?. penipu besorlah tu. and worse still katannya ' your credit limit has been raised to 40K !. ini kira dah melampau.
and to whom it may concern, ... give me 5 reasons why you deserve this new plastic. oppss, on second thought, i think it's best if you stick to your current plastic
(at least tak bertambah cerahlah kulit kepala principle card holder)
huaaaaaaa...oh thank you thank you!
kan na ckp CIMB bagus.haha.
5 good reasons:
1. platinum lagi cantik as compared to my gold one
2.i've been sooo obedient lately!
3.i can use to purchase emergency flight ticket to msia.....even masa peak hours( like beli last minute the price will get mahal, no?)
4. so i can shop with a bit of dignity?hahahaha.(this one is a crap, i know)
5. i can shop extra for you,mama,farhi,geena..without worrying the limit ( applying on winter trip only).
conclusion: i need it!! i need it!
extra: i have to start supporting CIMB platinum card member.:)
Wah... macam lah that 40 k tu tak yah dibayar kan?
Tak tau nak komen la BRO.. pasai tak pandai lagi guna hat jenis kad cenggini...
Nak belajar bleh? Hikhikhik!
Biasala bro... Marketing strategy, Kad2 ni dihantar kepada orang yang memang ada potential nak bayar balik 40k limit tu.. He he he...kalau bro BS nak kad tu you may keep it, otherwise you may return it to the bank.
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