can't exactly recall when i last visited my own blog. i was extremely busy since beginning of the year, reached home fairly late in the evening, tired & exhausted!. i really needed a break. and when boss told me to represent him to indonesia last week, i felt so relieved ! well, there i was .... spending the weekend in this superb hotel. every thing was fantastic about this newly refurbish hotel. the joy of waking up late in the morning, enjoying my breakfast at leisure, spending time over coffee at the pool terrace and enjoying the evening at the lobby lounge listening to beautiful songs rendered by a most talented singer I've ever met. of course the kiddos kata tak aci abah tidur kat hotel yang best. a very deserving break i must say. well, jakarta, here we come again on the 13th. march. this time the whole family (minus nana) will be there.

didn't realised that it was valentine last saturday until the waitress at the kofuko restaurant presented adik with a small box of chocolate and a bunch of rose. been very naive, her first remark 'buat apa bagi adik bunga ni , adik mana suka bunga' well, i don't give a damn about valentine's day. we were there not to celebrate but to have our lunch and spend some time with the kiddos!.

and adik posing in the restaurant.
er...jogja tunggu august tak boleh ke???????????
mau terbang ke sana lagi yer PAK?kalau tak tak habis pulak baki 25 juta tu eikk! hahahaha!...happy holiday BHAI
Sian Nana.. nak sokong Nana gak.. August tak leh ke?
aunty sya: itulah pasal kan!!takpe.sempat je nak book flight lagi.muahahaha!
ix:25 juta eh?cukup sgt buat kebaya tu!hahaha.
lama dah tak happy2 holiday ngan family
cannot wait till august, the kiddos nak exam pulak
he he he jangan jelas mbak
sebenarnya adik adik dia lagi jelas dengan dia . holiday memanjang !
salam. pekabor ?
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