siti will be leaving us soon. since our maid left us 6 months ago, life has been rather .. sob, sob, sob. imagine, having to shorten my slumber to prepare the 2 kiddos for school, help with the laundry, iron my own attire to work and bla bla bla. luckily the suffering only lasted for 3 months. while waiting for the replacement maid, one of our friend was kind enough to loan us siti. she has been such an exemplary and hard working girl. i wish she could stay longer, but then we don't really need 2 maids to help with the house chores. we used to have 2 maids before, one exclusively to take care of my late mum. having 2 maids was not easy though as they regularly back stab and quarrel with each other. and to siti we wish to thank you for all your deeds and wish you all the best in your future undertakings.

darsi at her first high tea in zende seri pacific today. i'm sure there are more to come !

and to our new maid (only 4 days with us), hopefully she'll enjoy her stay with us. just a piece of advise ... beware of geena, been the youngest, she can be very snobbish and kepala angin at time.
haha.geena..nama pun geena.snob tu!
you are nice to your maidslah siap ada entry for them. susah kan nak cari majikan yang appreciate their maids ni. Is that siti anywhere here. maybe i need her for awhile while waiting for my maid to come back. email me at
Memang susah nak cari majikan macam BRO ni.. pandai appreciate maid..
Uishhhh kalu semua majikan cenggini kan best... Anak MELAYU pun tak takut nak jadi maid.. Tak yah kita import orang luar..
Selamat buat semua MAID...:D:D
My maid for 8 years didn't come back from her 'cuti raya'. We suffered a lot coz I have a small boy. Then I got a new one. Orangnya memang bagus, tapi terlampau sayang kat my small boy sampai 'dipijak' kepala pun dia sengih je....Tak tau lah dia ikhlas je ke atau depan kami je....hehehe. Tanpa maid, haru biru jadinya...
sempat jadi abah mithali 3 bulan eikkk hahaha
ada majikan ok..maid lak suka lari2,ade yang maid ok majikan lak kuat membebel..hehehe ok la cayalah BRO,semoga lebih prihatin lagi..
sekarang ni makin menjadi jadi pulak dia punya snob !
i spoke to her yesterday but she is adamant that she is going back to palembang. she has been here for 5 years and miss her mum.
prinsip saya simple saja ....always put yourself in their shoe, and think how you would like to be treated !
Suria klang,
well, the best is selalu berfikiran positf and tanpa prejudice. makes your life more ceria
.....he he he, mithali benorlah tu.
agaknya itulah lumrah kehidupan.
oh u r so sweet. jarang nk jumpa majikan yg appreciate maid. i adore u ;-)
Mrs Lvoe,
thanks. compliment tu
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