(p/s he looks better in short hairs !)
back from school yesterday, AF looked very despaired. through out the journey home, not a single word he uttered. usually, once in the car he would immediately switch on to fly.fm. of course i sensed that something was not right. i don't want to upset him further, so i just keep my big mouth shut. arriving at home, he immediately dashed into our bedroom and blasted out ... 'mama, cikgu tu sioklah, abang tengah bengang ni. tengok ni cikgu potong rambut abang, dah pendik sebelah dah. abang susah susah bela, dia senang senang saja potong' ... well, so that's the root of his discontent!
honestly, i didn't want to blame the teacher. i know he was very obscessed with his hair. for the last few weeks we've been trying to get his hair trimmed but to no avail.i remember him saying ..' rilekslah mama, dah nak exam pmr, cikgu tak buat spot check lagi'.deep inside me, i thought the teacher has made a right decision, it's unbecoming of a 3rd former to keep long hair !. but on second thought, i could understand his frustation. when i was at his age, i felt the same thing when my hair was cropped off by non other than the late cikgu rashidi.
i remember a few years ago while glancing thro' the album, he was so excited to see his dad with long unkempt hairs. well, in the 80's every male students in campus kept long hairs. i still remember those guys who were very proud of their afro look. worn out jeans and partially torn t-shirts were the trend of the day. every guy wants to look ruggered !. thing have change since. varsity students nowadays are spotted with nicely groomed hairs and are also smartly dress. and apart from medical students, some do wear ties to lecture. ask me again, i would very much prefer the good old days !
uishhhhhh buruk bebenor kalu abgbimmer@abgbeca rambut panjang :D (ya maaf!)
maybe kat varsity malaya jer kot yang diwajibkan berambut kontot. Here still the same. mana yang rambut panjang mengurai, serebeh. Tapi yang tak blh tahan tu yang x mandi dan x tukar seluar seminggu. Ya rabbi! hapak ngan hancing!! hahaha
Tahniah BS...tak sangka ada bakat menulis...syoknyer baca. Trima kasih atas sokongan . Dengarlah KLfm dan KLKL selalu.. dan promote jugaklah pada kaum kerabat yekk. Pasti banyak lagi lagu-lagu yang membunuh...but don`t pilih-pilih hari..hali-hali KLFm. hali.. hali KLKL...pergh ada aura. (quote kata2 Samad Kinto)heh.. heh..
AF jangan sedih sedih. You still look cute and sweet with your short hair..Semua berjaya dengan CEMERLANG dalam peperiksaan PMR..amin.
i look better in long hairs then sekarang ... sebab sudah terang !
cayalah. memang tak boleh tahan kalau yang dah berminggu tak mandi tu ... worst still kalau dia bukak stoking !
Kak Diva,
thanks for dropping by. KLKL memang best !
Yes memang best
dah dua tiga hari balik
Malaysia ni
kerja aku
record KLKL masuk dalam PC
bila dah balik Yangon nanti
boleh dengar balik.
tepat pukul lima, 'PLAY'
ehek- ehek ehek
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