come tuesday and friday evening i would try to make a point to listen to kenangan lalu kuala lumpur (KLKL), a popular program air on radio from 5 - 8 pm. the selection of songs (mainly oldies) were simply marvellous. i simply adore those 2 DJs (fauziah zakaria & azizah sulaiman). they just have natural taste for good songs. dj fauziah @ kak diva (quote from ixoraroxi) in particular, would try her very best to entertain requests from the many sahabat listeners.

thro' i've known some of the sahabat listeners. needless to say i do enjoy meeting them. the good thing about them is they do interact among each other thro' kampung mms ( and among the sahabat (yang dikira famous dalam kg mms) are ixoraroxi, lelamajnum, semekin, flyingdutchman, blackcanary, mem tito,azieazah,farhakesuma,bull, puansridewi (just to name a few)

the dj's (nik aida, azizah sulaiman & kak diva)
patut rasa macam tersedak!uishhhh lagu2 KAK DIVA tu meruntun kalbu...:)
Huwaaaaa..... tak ajak aku!!!!!!!
Isk isk sampai hati tuan Dokter tak pelawa saya, saya dah balik Melaysia dah ni...
Terimakasih KLFM.. and all Sahabat..
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