this morning abang as we call him (AF, our only son) give me a letter from his school. 'jemputan ke majlis solat hajat pmr, khatam al-quran, berbuka puasa dan solat hajat SMKST'. whe he told us he was selected to participate in the khatam al quran, naturally we're very excited. but to our dismay, he says ' abah, mama tak payah pergilah '. kalau abah, mama nak pergi jugak, then abang nak mahu pergilah. cuma abah bagi sumbangan jer untuk jamuan berbuka puasa tu. well, not the first time he'll never let us go to his school, what more meet his teachers. i don't remember getting the invitation for the school's pibg meeting, sports day, meet the teacher session and hari anugerah cemerlang (bila ditanya, katanya ... dah lepas dah) and i don't remember signing his record book for the last 2 years ! secretly, on a few occasions, my wife would got thro' his school bag looking at his exam and test papers - not bad, in general his marks were consistently above 80%, so i suppose we have no reasons to complaint then.
on a personal note, i suppose i did exactly the same to my dad before.Kira macam like father, like son lah!). sampai sekarang pun i still remember my father's signature. i once remember that when i was in form 2, one of my sister bribed me to sign her record book. Despite that, AF is a nice and obedient boy. at 15, he's still very manja manja with the mum (kira mum's boy lah tu). unlike his peers, he still enjoys very much going out dinning and shopping with us.
last week we asked him what does he wants to be do after his spm. be a cardiothoracic or plastic surgeon kata dia. but he says, .... i want to study abroad!. to study medicine abroad will cost a fortune. scholorship are hard to come by nowadays and only reserve for the most academically excellent students. i'm fully aware that my son is not one of those brainy students. obviously we cannot afford to send him to uk or aussie. but he says he doesn't mind going to russia (at least legalah sikit) . katanya to moscow and tak mahu pergi tempat kakak (IL) in nizhny novgorod. sekarang ni dah mulalah terbayang how to cope paying for 2 kids studying medicine in russia ! pernah jugak tanya mara dan jpa dulu, kot kot boleh mintak pinjaman sikit untuk top up, untuk bayar tuition fees pun cukuplah. masih ingat kata pegawai yang bertugas 'syarat kita ketat, untuk pinjaman pelajaran, pendapatan keluarga mesti less than rm 5 K, jadi secara otomatiknya encik memang tak layak!
well, my son, we'll work something out. insyaallah if you want to do medicine, then you'll get to do medicine. let us (and not you) worries the finance part of it)
best of luck in your coming pmr dear son.
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