when was the last time i break fast at a hotel ??? oppsss, can't exactly recall. perhaps 10 years ago. well, come to think of it, it's really funny. come ramadhan, all the hotels in town will try to out do each other, providing tremendous and lavish buffet spreads. honestly, how much can one eat. i'm sure you can't possibly sample all the 120 different dishes. i keep wondering why do the fortunate ones would spend rm 100 for such a treat, knowing that the same amount of money could easily fill the gaster of 20 unfortunate ones. well, i suppose that's life. again, talking about breaking fast in a hotel, one thing i find very irony is the crowd. drop by at any porsh hotel in town. you're bound to see many non fasters. by 7.00 pm they have already loaded their plates to the maximum without giving due considerations to those who were fasting. and by the time the maghrib's azan is on air, those same people were already on course for their second or third serving. really pelahap i think.
A scenario i find very heartening. a great experience indeed !
breaking fast at masjid al-nabawi in medina. and those believers were very humble and considerate !
Betul tu bro, depa ni (non-faster) selalunya le lagi lebih daripada orang yang Berpuasa. Pelahap betul, tapi biasalah, dah memang asal-usul pelahap. Tapi peliknya di Malsyai je, kat tempat lain tak pulak, bertahun di oversea susah gak nak jumpa orang macam ni. Adat depa kat Malaysia je kut he he hehe
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