tetiba jer teringat pulak pada sekolah dulu. don't know why, at a very tender age i had to go there. had to leave my family and stay in a hostel. the first time in my life i embarked on a long journey leaving my kampung in kuala terengganu heading to kota bahru. of course i was scared, all alone in an express bus heading to a foreign land. can't remember much of the details, but i manage to find my way to pengaklan chepa. yesss, it was my school, sekolah menengah sains kelantan (SMSK). i wonder why they have to rename the school to sekolah menengah sains tengku muhamad faris petra now.
sesungguhnya kesempatan belajar dan tinggal bersama dalam satu bangunan membawa seribu kenangan dalam hidup kita. i may post my countless memories some other time. for a start, there are a few thing that i cheerish most
a. the dinning hall
- well the food (though some people just call it nasi kawah) was just heaven. first time in my life i have chicken and beef every week ( beef for lunch on monday and chicken for dinner on friday!). back home then, my mum will only cook chicken only on some very special occasions. i remember having alternate day of ayam goreng masa berkhatam dulu. and of course we only have beef during hari raya aidil adhar - the famous daging korban.
b. the airport
- the pengkalan chepa airport is just within the vicinity, and from the hostel we could see the fokker landing and taking off. oh how i miss the great sounds. don't blame me for that - that was the first time i saw an aeroplane !. since my first day in school i keep counting the days when i would go on an aeroplane.
childhood friendship last. so here we're now. we still remain good buddies. of course after 30 years everybody changed (samaada perut dah kedepan atau rambut dah berkurangan). one thing for sure, i'm very proud of my former classmates and SMSK ... among us now stood some very successful businessman and women, professors, specialist doctors, corporate figures, members of parlimen, advisors to both the PM and his deputy and heads of department.
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